Here nature is the sovereign queen

Here you will know an exuberant place in the heart of a preserved and intact Amazon forest. It’s about a private property used for activities directed to the ecotourism as wild camping, trekking, hiking, fishing, birds and wild life watching, diving in narrow crystalline water rivers, etc. Located in the Aracá river, tributary of the Negro river, distant 85km (straight-line) of the urban area of the Barcelos City/Amazon/Brazil. Here nature is the sovereign queen. Its secrets and mysteries well are protected in a fusing in a mix of adventure and exuberance. Few people have had the privilege (and the luck) of knowing this wonderful place. Come be one of them!

Monday, June 28, 2010

What's Sauadaua?

Sauadaua is a private property with an approx. area of 2000ha or 20.000 square meters of Gadelha family. This area is composed by one main narrow river with approx. length of 37km (straight line), six (6) tributaries of main narrow river with approx. length of  6 to 15 km(straight line) and others with shorter length. All surrounded of native forest, flooded forest, fields and firm land forest containing over a thousand (1000) trees of native Brazilian chestnut.
Sauadaua name’s originated of a local indian dialect and means “place of the good” and also refers to the name of the main narrow river that crosses all the property. Its clear and crystalline waters vary the color of a light green for a dark and mysterious green in accordance with the quantity of water poured for its tributaries.
Sauadaua is located the northeast of the Amazon Estate, more specifically in the Aracá river (85km from the  urban area of the Barcelos City – in straight line). Aracá river is a very popular tourist destination very known by sportive fishermen from Brazil and the world.
Sattelite picture showing our property in the Aracá river with its loopy
The preservation of a so large area is not easy task. Almost  seven years ago we hired a very special friend who helps us to preserve the area, preventing biopirates, woodcutters, illegal hunters and others non authorized persons can invade the place.
Mr. Paul or “little Paul” for closest. Our warrior in the preservation of the area.


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